Disputes can arise between the best of friends. There may be disputes between a company and its vendor or clients or any stakeholder or a third party on any issue due to conflict of interest or any other reason. There may be disputes between partners in a partnership. Small matters may escalate and lead to litigation that is time consuming and expensive besides causing bitterness between parties and alienation.

Hari Global Advisory Services, leading law advisors and legal services providers in India, take on such cases where there are disputes and, instead of recommending litigation, advocate the use of dispute resolution to bring about an amicable resolution in a short time and at less expense. Litigation is never a satisfactory tool because there are instances of miscarriage of justice or a side losing its case due to improper presentation or lack of supporting evidence. The alternate dispute resolution mechanism addresses these shortcomings besides others involved in long drawn out litigation and brings about quick resolution where justice is served and both parties gain satisfaction. We offer mediation services, arbitration, conciliation and private hearings with or without involvement of courts in the dispute resolution process under the Arbitration Act or applicable acts pertinent to a case.

Apart from handling dispute resolutions for Indian clients for India-based jurisdictions we also take on instances of international disputes and bring about harmonized settlements to the satisfaction of both parties while ensuring full cross border legal compliance. 

Our teams of specialists in dispute resolution create the right atmosphere, observe processes of law and politeness, cooperate with lawyers of the opponents, base arguments on intelligence and facts, persuade and negotiate in the interests of both parties concerned.

Should you find yourself in a situation that can lead to litigation, consult us for alternative methods of resolution of such disputes through amicable methods. They are far better than the Pyrrhic victory litigation may bring.